Sustainable Impact through Responsible Choices

At Vinda, we conduct business in a responsible way to resonate with UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Making responsible and holistic choices that create value for our business, people and the environment

In line with Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN, Vinda is committed to responsible consumption and production as well as gender equality among other elements.

Sustainability Framework

Sustainable Development Targets

In 2020, Vinda Group prioritized sustainable development, creating a 5-year roadmap. By analyzing eco-tech, optimizing resource use, and aligning with the group’s pace, we set clear objectives. This strategic approach helps address sustainability issues in daily operations and paves the path to success.


Energy Management


Carbon Emissions


Recycling and Packaging


Green Supply Chain


Water Resources


Sustainable Sourcing


Community Service


Fair Employment

Energy Management

To reduce the Group’s use of standard coal in energy consumption by 500,000 tons, as benchmarked against the advanced value of China’s national standard.

Carbon Emissions

To reduce the Group’s carbon emissions by 1 million tons, determined by comparing against the benchmark released by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment in 2019.

Waste Recycling, Resources Recycling, Packaging Materials

More than 90% of all packaging to be made of renewable/recyclable materials. Research and develop the use of biodegradable plastics as raw materials, and gradually increase the proportion of biodegradable materials in products. Vinda continued to test biodegradable materials. 95% of waste to be recycled or used for energy recovery. Approximate 93% of waste was recycled or used for energy or material recovery. To maintain 100% of hazardous waste to be managed by qualified third-parties for disposal.

Green Supply Chain

100% of the Group’s top twenty raw and auxiliary material suppliers (excluding wood pulp suppliers) based on purchasing volume to be ISO 14001 certified in environmental management.

Water Resources

To reduce the Group’s water consumption by 100 million cubic metres.
Water recycling rate: > 98%.

Sustainable Sourcing

100% of the Group’s procured pulp to be certified by recognised forest management standards

Community Service

To provide 8,000 hours of voluntary service

Fair Employment

Vinda is an equal opportunity employer that practices gender equality. Our average male-to-female employee ratio has been 45:55 for the past 3 years and Vinda will continue to maintain this gender balance in our workplaces.

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Vinda Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022

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Vinda Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2022